v2.11.0 (5491)

Enseignement ATHENS - TPT34 : Cinema, Real Life and Human Relations (Télécom ParisTech)

Domaine > Sciences économiques et sociales.


This course will study some of the grand themes touching on human relations (leadership, negotiation, power, communication, influence, creativity, etc.) through analysis of cinema sequences and the dramatic skill of actors. The advantage of the interpersonal arts (cinema, theatre) over many reports on real experience and classical case studies is that they allow one to see and to live through complete series of interactions and not just read through a post-facto reconstruction. Furthermore, film and theatre address the great existential questions (happiness, justice, morality, innovation, sexuality, rivalry, humor, etc.) from which reflection on human relations cannot be excluded. Finally, they are particularly fruitful for dealing with the physical, emotional, intellectual and strategic wealth of human interactions, whence their complexity.

Objectifs pédagogiques

Possible themes will include obedience, disobedience, creativity, power relationships, disputes, motivation, crisis management, emotions, involvement, rational decision, irrationality in human affairs, communication systems, intercultural differences, international relations, theories of negotiation, the image of managers etc.

We shall compare how society forges heroic figures through different media: cinema, conversations concerning life and personal experience, theories and methodologies circulating via books, papers and training in the professional field.

We shall tackle questions such as:

What do movie heroes and efficient managers have in common?

What do different sources of heroic figures in society have in common? Do they converge on a unique set of behaviors? What are their differences? Do they ultimately diverge?

What can we learn from theatre exercises (and role plays) in terms of leadership, shared leadership, human coordination, listening to others, expressing oneself, being sensitive to weak or missed signals, improvising, solving problems, etc.?

How to deal with cultural and ethical differences?

20 heures en présentiel (20 blocs ou créneaux)

Format des notes

Numérique sur 20

Littérale/grade européen

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